2020 update.
The last two years have been very busy. Apart from exhibiting in all the usual exhibitions I decided that I had outgrown my studio. I looked into building a new studio in my garden which is small and on several levels. I contacted Keops, a company who offered to supply bespoke log cabins to your own design. They were very helpful and the " parcel" landed on my drive some six weeks later. I had already had a new base laid and had done a lot of preparation like removing an old shed that had seen better days. Most of this I burned in a fire pit over the next few days. Must admit I have always loved bonfires! Pyromaniac The build which was like putting giant lego logs together went like clockwork and I thoroughly enjoyed hammering each log into place.The doors and windows slip down into place and my husband and son helped to put the roof on.
Then it took two weeks to preserve and paint the wood and then fit it out to a way most useful me,
In 2019 I did my first Open Studio with Surrey Art Open Studios, asking a friend and fellow artist to join me by showing her jewellery. We only opened at three weekends in June and we had 42 visitors who enjoyed seeing the work and also my beautiful garden was much appreciated. The first weekend , the weather was fine so that my art work was displayed outside with refreshments available. Due to rain, the next two weekends had to be re-organised and our displays were moved inside the conservatory and dining room.